Burner recommends to teach mathematics using the CPA approach. i.e. from concrete materials, to pictorial representation to the later stage of abstract representation using symbols. Diene also advocate variability in teaching mathematics i.e. teaching the same concept from different angles and using different materials.
In this question, the teacher would show the children pictures of concrete object (sticks), the base ten blocks ( representation - proportionate ), and coins ( concrete representation - non-proportionate ) to help children visualize the value of 34 before moving into the more abstract notations.
In my opinion, the introduction of the 5 notations should be in the following order :
1) expanded notation
2) place value chart
3) tens and ones notation
4) number in numerals
5) number in words
It is arranged in this way because as we go down from each level, the notation becomes further away from the concrete and thus more and more abstract to the children.
1) expanded notation - children can relate the counting of 30 and 4 in sticks and base ten blocks
2) place value chart - children will have to recognized that a set of ten cubes is represented by 1 ten instead
of 10.
3) tens and one notation - children needs to convert the table format into a number words form
4) number in numerals - children need to internalized the concept to visualize 34 as a number with value, not
just digits 3 and 4.
5) number in words - children will further convert the mathematics symbols into letter symbols.
Some children can grab the concept ready while others may need more guidance and practices to fully understand. However, a systematic way to introduce mathematic concept will definitely help the children in their learning.
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